Friday, March 16, 2012

Healthy food

Healthy food

There is an expression that says: “hygiene is a half health”. That is correct, but what with another half. For the other half we should care what we eat. To be healthy  we have to eat healthy food. And what is healthy food?
We all know that we should consume carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins.
Carbohydrates are in all cereals, corn, rice, potatoes, so we have to eat these products every day. They give us energy to carry out school and out-of-school activities. We also should take sugar, and it is in sweets and chocolate, so we can eat it in normal amounts.
We need the vitamins. They are in fruits and in vegetables. Every morning we should eat some fruit, as an apple, an orange, a grapefruit or a banana. They have a lot of vitamins that help us stay healthy during cold winter days. The vegetables have vitamins too, as tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, which are rich with minerals also. So, we have to eat them every day. I know, the onion and garlic don’t have a pleasant smell, but we have to eat them too.
We, the, boys, want to look nice and strong. That’s why we practice a lot and play different sports. But that is not enough. For the healthy development of the body we need proteins. They are in meat, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs.
All of this we have to eat every day and to drink a lot of water and natural juices.
I know, the fast food, as hotdogs, hamburgers, pizza, chips, are not healthy, and we should not eat them very often but maybe sometimes, because they are delicious.
Finally, I must say: “In a healthy body, healthy mind”. 

Tofilovski Filip 6a/8

Zdrava hrana

Ima edna izreka koja veli: Higienata e polovina zdravje. Toa e to~no, no {to se drugata polovina. Za drugata polovina treba da se gri`ime so {to se hranime. Za da bideme  zdravi mora da se hranime so zdrava hrana, A {to e zdrava hrana?
Site znaeme deka mora da konsumirame jagleni hidrati, vitamini i proteini.
Jaglenite hidrati gi ima vo site `itarici, p~enka, oriz, kompir, i zatoa mora ovie produkti sekojdneno da gi vnesuvame vo organizmot. Tie ni davaat energija za da gi izvr{uvame site u~ili{ni i von-u~ili{ni aktivnosti.  A treba da vnesuvame i {e}er, a nego go ima vo kola~ite i ~okoladoto, po mo`eme da vneseme i toa , no vo normalni koli~ini.
Ni trebaat i vitaminи. Niv gi ima vo ovo{jeto i zelen~ukot. Sekoe utro treba da jademe ovo{je, kako jabolko, portokal, citron, banana. Vo niv ima mnogu vitamini koi ni pomagaat da ostaneme zdravi vo ladnite zimski denovi. Vitaminite gi ima i vo zelen~ukot, kako domatot, piperkata, zalkata, morkovot, krastavicata, koi se bogati i  so minerali.  Znam deka kromidot i lukot nemaat prijatna mirizba, no mora i niv da gi konsumirame.
Nie, mom~iњata sakame da izgledame ubavo i silno. Zatoa mnogu ve`bame i odime na razni sportovi. No toa ne e dovolno. Za zdrav razvoj na teloto potrebni ni se и  proteini. Niv gi ima vo mesoto, mlekoto, jogurtot, sireweto, jajcata.
Seto ova mora sekojdnevno da go jademe, i da pieme mnogu voda i prirodni sokovi.
Znam deka brzata hrana, kako hotdog, hamburger, pica ~ips, ne e zdrava, i ne treba da ja jademe, mo`ebi ponekoga{  bidejki e mnogu vkusna.
Na kraj moram da ka`am -Vo zdravo telo, zdrav  um.

Tofilovski Filip 6a/
 од секцијата по англиски јазик

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